15 August 2011

oh yeah she's pretty

I got to meet my niece Lucy for the first time on Friday, eight days old.

She's a winner.

This is one of her older brothers, Luke, and her older sister, Clara, with my mom.

Having them as nieces and nephews makes me the very luckiest.

07 August 2011

a new buddy

I have a new niece.
Her name is Lucy Bea.
How much more precious does it get?

Best part: I get to meet the beautiful little buddy on Friday. Can't wait! Photos to come. This is better than Christmas...

02 August 2011

christmas is coming

I am so ready for Christmas!! Today was the first day that I really became antsy about it coming. I'm so serious. It may be August, but I can't wait. Favorite day of the whole year. Maybe it will help to start pulling out the holiday music...

144.5 days.